Transferring a domain name registration AWAY FROM Mom Webs Print

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We're sorry to see that you want to transfer your registration, but rest assured that the transfer will not affect your hosting with Mom Webs.  Domain registration and hosting are two separate things and we're happy to host a site no matter where the domain is registered.

Here's what you need to do:

1. Check the date on the registration. If the domain was registered within 60 days or renewed within 45 days prior to today it can't be transferred yet. If that's the case you can start the transfer process after the 60 day period has passed.

2. Login to our help desk at

3. From the top menu, select Domains -> My Domains

4. To the right of the domain name for which you want to transfer, click the Manage Domain button.

5. On the Register Lock tab, check to see if the Register Lock Status is "Enabled".  If it is, then click the red Disable Register Lock button.  A locked domain registration cannot be transferred.

6. Under the Management Tools tab, click on Contact Information

7. Make sure that you can receive email at the address listed.  As part of the transfer process emails will be sent to this address asking you to approve the transfer.  If you make changes on this page click the Save Changes button to save them, otherwise click the <<Back button.

8. Under the Management Tools tab, click Get EPP Code to see the EPP (authorization) code, and give it to your new registrar.  Your new registrar must initiate the transfer using that code.

The transfer will be done within 5 days after you've approved it via the emails sent by the registrars.  The most common problem in domain transfers is an incorrect email address on the registration, or using an email provider that marks the approval emails as spam (Yahoo mail often has this problem.)  To check on the status of the transfer you need to ask the new registrar for help, as Mom Webs won't be able to look up the status of the transfer because we are the losing registrar and the process is managed by the gaining registrar.

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