
20 GB disk space

20 GB of disk space in addition to the space provided by your hosting plan

5000 MB disk space

5000 MB of disk space in addition to the space provided by your hosting plan

9000 MB disk space

9000 MB of disk space in addition to the space provided by your hosting plan

Softaculous Auto Installer
Spam Filtering - 1 domain
Spam Filtering - 2 domains
Spam Filtering - 3 domains
60 GB disk space

60 GB of disk space in addition to the space provided by your hosting plan

10 GB disk space

10 GB of disk space added to your current hosting plan.

1000 MB disk space

1000 MB of disk space added to your current hosting plan.

10 GB bandwidth

10 GB of bandwidth per month, added to the bandwidth already included in your hosting plan.

Dedicated IP address

Dedicated IP address to use for an SSL certificate.

  • this is free if you purchase an SSL certificate from us. Note
SSL Certificate

Secure Certificate for encrypting data transmission between the server and browsers.

Free installation